Thursday, July 24, 2008

Network, Network, Network

One of the things I've really seen my dad (who has owned businesses for my entire life and then some) done very well is network. I swear he seems to know everyone out there. I constantly run into people that just happen to know him through one thing or another.... I want to be that way too. I think it's such a big part of how he's been so successful and I am very very big on supporting other businesses inside my community.
When I decided to try my hand at it myself, I joined Biznik (for any of you out there looking for a way to network- try it, you will meet some amazing people). I went to one event shortly after joining and met some wonderful folks. I just love the idea behind spreading your name, helping them spread theirs, and building our community as well.
I've only been to a few events so far, but I have been able to meet so many people through it. Our company has worked with some, and will continue to any time it's possible. My boyfriend and I even ordered organic food from a company that a woman whom we met at an event owns- so business or personal, we just love supporting businesses based in our community, especially when we actually know who they are!
Needless to say, networking works. I think it is fabulous, it is something I will continue to do for... probably the rest of my life. If there's any tip I can offer anyone, it's to network. Everyone wins.

Just to plug my Biznik profile... Biznik - Business Networking

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